User Profile
Chef Automate users can manage their display name, date/time format, and password. Select the user icon in the top navigation bar, and select Profile from the drop-down menu.
![Profile Section in Chef Automate](/images/automate/chef-automate-profile.png)
Select Profile to view the details. The Details tab updates the Display Name and the Time Format, whereas the Reset Password tab edits the password.
Change a Display Name
Change the display name by entering any preferred name. Select Save to update the name.
![Display Name of Chef Automate](/images/automate/display-name-in-profile.png)
Every user needs a display name. An empty display name causes an error.
![Error in Display Name](/images/automate/error-in-display-name-bar.png)
Change the Date/Time Format
Select one of the five date and time formats from the drop-down menu. Select Save to change the appearance of the date and time across Chef Automate.
![Date/Time Format](/images/automate/date-time-format-in-profile.png)
Select the date/time format and save to get the changes reflected in the interface.
Reset Password
Reset the password of Chef Automate login from the Reset Password tab in Profile.
![Reset Password From Profile](/images/automate/reset-password-from-profile.png)
Insert the Previous Password and the New Password and select Reset Password.